Wednesday 22 December 2010

Chinese Cultural Know-How

As promised here is the 5th and final installment of information on Chinese Cultural know-how for 2010:

Chinese society and culture

Confucianism can be seen as a major influence that permeates the whole of Chinese society. It revolves around the concept of harmonious relationships. This is manifested in an aversion to conflict, maintenance of proper behaviour and the preservation of ‘face’, which roughly translates as ‘honour’, ‘good reputation’ or ‘respect’.
Chinese people value sincerity above all qualities. They admire sincerity, education, respect and frugality.

Confucianism: a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–478 BC). In Confucianism, human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal endeavour especially including self-cultivation and self-creation.

In Chinese names, the surname comes first and the given names second. For instance, the basketball player Yao Ming should be addressed as "Mr. Yao", not "Mr. Ming".

In conversation, avoid controversial topics relating to China’s recent political history. Instead, ask a Chinese person about their culture, art and literature, or the recent economic growth of their nation.

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