Tuesday 14 December 2010

Chinese Cultural Know-How

As promised here is the 4th installment of information on Chinese Cultural know-how:

Socialising, eating and drinking:

Hospitality is an integral part of Chinese culture, and an invitation should be seen as a great honour.

• If you eat in a restaurant you should not offer to share the bill, but you will be expected to reciprocate. Tipping is technically illegal in China, and you will not ever be expected to leave anything.

• If you are invited to the home of a Chinese person and you cannot attend, be sure to explain why so that you are not seen as disrespectful.

• Arrive on time and remove your shoes on entering a Chinese home. Bring a small gift, and remember to eat well and compliment the food.

• Never eat the last piece from a serving tray, and wait for your host to start eating before you do. Learn to use chopsticks and try everything you are offered.

Would you like to know more about Chinese culture or living and working abroad in China?

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