Thursday 28 October 2010

Know-how for expats returning 'home' after living and working abroad.

When you have been living and working abroad for a period of time (1 year +). It can be difficult to settle when you return 'home'.
Here are some tips from repats who have had experience of this situation:

1. Realise that you will have to start over in some way.   
2. Life might feel like it went on without you. Life hasn’t waited for you to return.
3. Consider that you might have to put some effort into rekindling your friendships and relationships at home.
4. Accept that your friends and family will probably never be able to completely understand what your life was like abroad.
5. Be prepared to find yourself missing aspects of your former life.
6. Expect the unexpected. Think of it as another adventure, just like the one you started when you moved abroad.

Happy return 'home'...

If you need help with planning to return 'home' as a repatriate (repat) then contact us at expatknowhow:
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