Wednesday 13 October 2010

Do you want to work abroad as an expatriate?

If you want to be posted to live and work abroad for your company - what do you have to do?

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), fewer companies are sending their employees abroad on work placements nowadays, and those who are being relocated for employment assignments are being less well remunerated and rewarded for their relocation.
Companies across the globe have had to slash staff, cut costs and rein in spending in an effort to remain in business. Therefore, is it unrealistic to think that you can expect your company to give you an overseas assignment?

The recession has not stopped new markets from emerging – what’s more, it has not stopped any business anywhere in the world from wanting to remain competitive.

A survey of executives and companies across 77 nations globally by the EIU revealed that 40% of all companies really wanted to increase their expatriate workforce.

Therefore, you can assume that there is a desire to have strong, well - experienced staff relocated overseas to develop new arms of your company’s business abroad. What’s more, it’s a fact that there is demand for expatriate staff, particularly with strong management experience for example, in many business sectors in the likes of China, India, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Russia…

The number one factor holding companies back from relocating staff according to the EIU is a financial one. And when you look more closely at the report from the Economist Intelligence Unit you discover that the placements that have been given aboard even during the recession have been less well paid than before.

If you really are very keen to move to live and work abroad, and you want to get an assignment from your current company, you have to sell the idea to them and sell yourself as part of the package. To do so you need to understand where their reluctance may come from – i.e., it’s a financial issue – and you need to be able to counter any of their arguments against your move with excellent reasons why you are actually the ideal candidate for the relocation.

Happy Relocation.....

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