Wednesday 17 August 2011

Cultural Issues - Mergers and Acquisitions

Companies in Mercer Study "Very Concerned" about Top Talent Departure

Only a small number of companies analyze cultural issues as part of their integration plans for mergers and acquisitions, according to feedback from global human resource leaders attending Mercer’s M&A Ready™ workshops. Only 25 percent of respondents indicated their company had a process for addressing cultural issues to ensure more successful business integrations.

According to Mercer, most companies seem to have a strong awareness of culture and talent issues in M&A situations. Regarding the risk of top talent departing the organization following an M&A transaction, virtually all attendees said they were concerned, with 46 percent saying they were “very concerned.” When queried about the level of prominence of people issues in M&A situations, 64 percent of respondents said that people issues are more prominent today compared to one or more years ago.

“It’s a concern that well considered cultural integration plans and processes are seemingly absent in many organizations planning M&A deals,” said Chuck Moritt, senior partner in Mercer’s M&A consulting business. “While many acquisitive organizations are aware of culture-related risks that surface in transactions, few organizations are doing enough to mitigate those risks ahead of time.”

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