Thursday 26 August 2010

Managing Virtual Teams - misunderstandings arising from cultural differences

A new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Managing Virtual Teams: taking a more strategic approach, highlights the prevalence of virtual teams and the methods by which they are managed.

The accompanying survey of over 400 executives from around the world found that, while 78% now work, or have worked, in a virtual team, this kind of teamwork has many problems, two of the biggest being misunderstandings arising from cultural differences – a strong argument in favour of cross-cultural training – and the general difficulty of leading people from a distance.
See more of the article @

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1 comment:

  1. I agree. One of the biggest challenges associated with managing virtual teams is cultural differences. More and more virtual teams consist of people from different national cultures with different native languages and different value systems.. If you are the team leader on this type of team, make sure you use effective software for your virtual teams and have some appreciation for the differences in how people work and how they behave.
