Thursday 26 August 2010

Managing Virtual Teams - misunderstandings arising from cultural differences

A new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Managing Virtual Teams: taking a more strategic approach, highlights the prevalence of virtual teams and the methods by which they are managed.

The accompanying survey of over 400 executives from around the world found that, while 78% now work, or have worked, in a virtual team, this kind of teamwork has many problems, two of the biggest being misunderstandings arising from cultural differences – a strong argument in favour of cross-cultural training – and the general difficulty of leading people from a distance.
See more of the article @

For bespoke cross-cultural training programs both online and face to face contact us @expatknowhow
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Thursday 19 August 2010

U.S. Travel Visa Requirements

The US Government has recently announced that as from 9 September, there will be a $14 pp charge for ESTA applications.

The ESTA is the compulsory internet form that must be completed prior to travel on the US Visa Waiver entry scheme. Currently the ESTA is free of charge and valid for 2 years from time of issue.

No travel arrangements need to have been made to apply for an ESTA.

To apply, click on

Are you travelling to work or live overseas?
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Tuesday 10 August 2010

Safety and Security Abroad

Safety know-how:

Whether you work for a company or you are on your own, it is you who is ultimately responsible for your own safety and security.
Before you leave to live or work abroad it is important to:

•Copy important documents (keep secure)

•Be familiar with the rule of law

•Have an emergency and contingency plan
Want to know more then go to:

Expat Know How
At home working all over the world...

Tuesday 3 August 2010

What to know when moving abroad to live and work?

When moving to live and work abroad there are many things that you will need to consider and know.
Visit to find out know-how and links to other useful websites.
17 topics you will need to review about the country you will be going to live in:
•Type of Government
•Value systems (the basis for behaviour)
•Legal requirements
•Business Practices (time, negotiating, entertaining)
•Protocols (Greetings, titles, gestures, gifts,dress)
•Security and Safety
•Electric current and plug type
•Time zone
•Country calling codes
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