Saturday 31 July 2010

Packing for a trip abroad

Are you preparing for a trip abroad?
Do you have limited luggage allowance or space?
Then you need to go to this below link to find useful packing know-how:

If you have your own useful tips and know-how on packing for a trip abroad then please share with us by leaving a comment.

Monday 19 July 2010

Physical Gestures and Future Communication with Computers

A must see video of a presentation by Pranav Mistry made at TED (Ideas worth spreading) in Mysore India.
The future of Computers and Communication?
Cultural differences spring to mind...Interested to hear your thoughts on this video and the future of communication and how we interact with each other and computers...
Enjoy the video...

Tuesday 6 July 2010

China Trade Show know-how

Tips when meeting someone Chinese at a trade show:
  • Questions about a Chinese person's private life are acceptable when used appropriately; thoughtful questions and communication about family are considered good gestures that provide friendly talk and further business.  
  • Use small talk as an opening before you move to your specific interest points.  
  • Dress formally but don't over-dress, Chinese believe professional dress shows respect for all participants at a trade show.  
  • Use colourful stands and attractive giveaways, which will draw more attention.  
  • Act professionally when introducing yourself and exchanging business cards.  
  • Don't be shy when mentioning your expertise, because Chinese worship authorities and experts.  
  • Don't stand close and don't touch often, Chinese like to have private space.  
  • Be friendly in crowds and queues. Chinese don't pay much attention to a slight unequal treatment once in a while.  

  • Don't take first reactions too seriously; you might get lots of interest and enthusiasm but still get no feedback afterwards.  
  • Don't be too pushy with the follow-up, and don't expect feedback very soon. Chinese need a period of mutual understanding to cooperate with business partners.  
Tips for anyone Chinese who is planning to attend a trade show :
  • Introduce yourself confidently and actively; give firm handshakes.  
  • Try to be straightforward and get down to business faster.  
  • Always smile and be prepared when people don't reply with passion.  
  • Form a line to wait for your turn and don't jump in conversations between others.  
  • Don't spend too much time in small talk and don't talk too much about your private life.  
  • Avoid making promises too easily.  
  • Give quick feedback if you are really interested in what you see or hear
Article taken from the Argonaut Blog -