Tuesday 16 March 2010

World Travel Mobile Applications

worldmate iphone application
I was recently advised by a frequent traveller to download and use the worldmate iphone application. This app is also available for Blackberry, Nokia and Windows mobile.

The features include: flight status, travel calender, weather, world clock, maps, LinkedIn, etc.....
Well worth a look at the site to see the benefits for world travellers.
Happy travels.........


  1. I have used this app for about a year with my Windows Mobile software and it is great. Just using their Web site to organize my itinerary has been a big help. The syning works very well.

    The only problem with the app is that it takes up a good amount of internal memory. I hope they get an Android app soon so I can use it with my new phone and free up some memory.

  2. Hi Jim
    Thx for sharing your experience.
    I am planning to use the app for my next trip in April.
    Happy travels.

  3. Hi Claire,

    Found your blog by chance and was very happy to see somebody doing a blog on your subject. Have previously expatriated my self and many employees and managed employees over distance as they were working abroad. It can be difficult, and often it is the smaller things and problems that get expats down. So, very good that somebody is providing help, inspiration and advise that might make life easier and more rewarding while an expat (not that it isn't already, most of the time):-)

    I'm also writing you because I have recently started a company selling a VPN service which - amongst other things - is very usefull for people outside their normal and protected IT zone. It could be an expat family having difficulty getting to the websites they normally use due to filtering (i.e. censorship) by the government of the country they are living in, or a blatant risk they might loose credit card information etc. to people "listening in" on their web traffic (if sharing an adsl/broadband connection - i.e. at a wifi connection point) or simply beeing able to use applications like Skype due to it beeing blocked by the telephone operator.

    Off course I would love to get any form of free publicity, but I also thought it might be of general interest to your readers who are - or will be - expats, or simply are travelling much to places where the issues mentioned above is making communications while on the road troublesome and risky.

    If you want to know more feel free to reply to me: olejakob.thorsen@gmail.com. If you want to have a look at our product you can find information at: BeeVPN.com.

    Best regards
    Ole Jakob Thorsen

  4. Hi Ole
    Good to hear from you.
    Very interesting subject, have been to your website to take a look.
    Was wondering what could be the legal implications in some countries, say for example China. Seems that they could not be very open to this system being used in their country and there could be consequences?
