Tuesday 30 March 2010

How to avoid Jet Lag

To follow on with my recent theme of air travel and IT. I recently read this great article about jet lag on the LinkedIn Global Worker Group:

'American mathematicians are working on a new software that could potentially halve the number of days it takes to adjust to a new time zone. The software, which is being developed by the University of Michigan and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, which focuses on the proper way to use an already-accepted method for beating jet lag–timed light exposure. For many, timed-light exposure works. But what some don’t know, is that if it is applied incorrectly, it can actually worsen your jet lag.

Researchers say the computer program they’re creating will allow travelers to maximize their efforts to beat the problem, resulting in more efficient sleep, a decrease in fatigue, and an increase in cognitive performance.

Travelers would simply enter the details of their flight into the program to receive specific instructions on the basics, such as when to sleep, when to go outside and spend time in the daylight, or how to take supplements believed to help curb jet lag, such as melatonin.

The research and resulting solutions could take another five years or so to complete, but when the work is complete, there are likely to be multiple applications, not just for jet lag. If you work the night shift, or under extreme work conditions, the software may be able to help you, too.

A book on jet lag was also recommended - Overcoming jet lag - Charles F Ehret, Lynne Waller Scanlon

Happy Sleeping!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Worlds Best On-Time Airlines

Great article from Forbes on the worlds 10 most on-time airlines
We need all the help we can get when travelling overseas.
Hope this article will help you when planning your trip.
Why not let us know what personal experience you have of these and other airlines?
Happy Flying!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

World Travel Mobile Applications

worldmate iphone application
I was recently advised by a frequent traveller to download and use the worldmate iphone application. This app is also available for Blackberry, Nokia and Windows mobile.

The features include: flight status, travel calender, weather, world clock, maps, LinkedIn, etc.....
Well worth a look at the site to see the benefits for world travellers.
Happy travels.........

Wednesday 3 March 2010

iphone travel apps

21 travel applications for iphone

I was recently sent this blog link by a colleague, it has details of 21 travel applications that can be downloaded and used on an iphone, some are even free. Great information for all those who own an iphone and travel, whether for work or pleasure.