Thursday 29 October 2009

Are you ready for a cross-cultural move?

When you are in a foreign environment, the most important resource that you have, are your own internal ones.
Moving to live and work in a new country will challenge you in ways that you have not been tested before and you will be out of your comfort zone. The result of this experience will provide you with great personal growth, but the journey may not be an easy one.
Experts in the field of cross-cultural research have identified some personal skills that will help face the challenges of expatriate life –

- An open minded attitude
- Tolerance to frustration and failure
- Adaptable and flexible
- Curious to try new things
- Strong communication Skills
- Observant
- Self reliant
- Good Sense of Humour

Need to know more?
Are you making a move to live and work overseas?
Contact us at Expat Know How - call +44 (0)1235 855236 or email

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