Thursday 29 October 2009

Are you ready for a cross-cultural move?

When you are in a foreign environment, the most important resource that you have, are your own internal ones.
Moving to live and work in a new country will challenge you in ways that you have not been tested before and you will be out of your comfort zone. The result of this experience will provide you with great personal growth, but the journey may not be an easy one.
Experts in the field of cross-cultural research have identified some personal skills that will help face the challenges of expatriate life –

- An open minded attitude
- Tolerance to frustration and failure
- Adaptable and flexible
- Curious to try new things
- Strong communication Skills
- Observant
- Self reliant
- Good Sense of Humour

Need to know more?
Are you making a move to live and work overseas?
Contact us at Expat Know How - call +44 (0)1235 855236 or email

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Why do you need to have Cultural Intelligence?

Culture Shock
Oxford English Dictionary meaning -
‘Disorientation felt by a person subjected to unfamiliar way of life.’

What Is Culture –
‘The customs, beliefs, art and all other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time.’
Unless you know the rules of other cultures you can make serious errors of judgement resulting in insulting your host or even starting an International crisis !
Here are a few general cultural differences to be considered ;
- Greetings
In some Countries men and women are forbidden to touch hands…..In others public displays of affection are normal.
- Communication Style
The Japanese or English may distrust Italians because they wave their hands about or Spaniards because they sound emotional. The French may appear offensive as they are direct and frequently use cynicism. Germans may take the English too seriously and completely miss the humour or irony. No one may know what the Japanese are thinking as they may say little or nothing at all.
- Personal space
In some countries it may seem that there is no such thing as personal space. When queuing in some countries; that is to say in countries where they actually have a queue system, standing so close to the person in front that they can feel your breath on their neck is not considered an issue, whereas in other countries this would seem offensive.
- Eye contact
In Asia direct eye contact can be interpreted as rude and disrespectful, whereas in the United Kingdom it is an important way to show sincerity and trust.
- Views of time
In the United Kingdom and the United States it is advisable to always be punctual. In many Latin countries punctuality is not as important as arriving at all, whatever the time.
- Gestures
The okay sign has different meanings when used, depending upon your location -
North America – to show approval
Japanese – to signal money
Brazil – it is a vulgar sign
France – means zero
Middle East – a rude sexual gesture
- Taboos
In some parts of the Middle East and Far East showing the sole of your shoe sends a rude message whilst in Thailand for example it is considered rude to sit cross-legged.

Do you have Cultural Intelligence?
Are you fully prepared to live and work successfully in a new country?
Need some help? Need to know more?
Then contact us at