Wednesday 26 October 2011

Want a British passport - pass the history test!

Applicants for British passports will have to meet new requirements that were outlined by Prime Minister David Cameron on October 10. Under the proposal, migrants will have to pass a quiz about British history and culture before they will be granted a passport. The quiz will cover a number of major events and important people in British history. Foreign nationals who want to permanently move to the UK are already required to take a test on life in the UK, but have not been asked to take a quiz on history because of concerns that doing so would be unfair. The addition of the history quiz is part of an effort that Cameron said will make the UK's immigration system fairer. In addition to the history test, Cameron has also called for forcing migrants to pay a bond as high as thousands of pounds before they will be allowed to enter the country. Forcing migrants to pay such bonds could help prevent them from disappearing into the underground economy. Cameron also called for requiring companies to report how many foreign employees they have, though that proposal has since been dropped.

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