Monday 28 February 2011

Working abroad - Civil unrest in North Africa

Due to the civil unrest in a number of North African countries, the Foreign &Commonwealth Office has offered the following advice:

Whilst there are currently no travel restrictions in place, travellers to the country should follow news reports and be alert to developments in North Africa that might trigger public disturbances.

Travellers should take precautions for their personal safety and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations. Any increase in regional tension may affect Travel Advice.

All but essential travel to Libya is not recommended. Those without a pressing need to remain in the country, should leave by commercial means if it is safe to do so.

The Libyan authorities may restrict access to the more remote parts of the country (e.g. desert areas and remote towns) at short notice.

Major demonstrations are continuing in Tripoli and across Libya, including in Benghazi, Derna and Al Bayda in the East of Libya and Misurata and Zawiya in Western Libya. Security forces have been deployed and there are reports of clashes and the use of violence , including water cannon, live ammunition and tear gas, to disperse crowds.

Foreign Nationals should avoid political gatherings and demonstrations and respect any advice or instruction from the local security authorities.

The British Embassy in Tripoli has received reports of increased crime levels in Libya during the recent unrest. British Nationals in Libya should ensure that their homes and possessions are secured and avoid non-essential travel, especially after dark.

There have been reports of attacks on company compounds in areas close to towns and cities. Companies with staff working in these compounds should make an evaluation of the security measures that they have in place and their level of supplies. If adequate security remains in place, workers may be safer remaining on site. If not, companies should consider leaving their compound and making preparations to move their staff out of Libya, if it is safe to do so.

The FCO continue to advise against all but essential travel to Cairo (includes all four governorates of Cairo, Giza, Helwan, Alexandria and Suez.

This advice does not affect transits through Cairo airport for onward travel to other destinations. There are widespread strikes in Cairo and other towns and cities across Egypt. British nationals should observe instructions and advice by local security authorities and avoid public gatherings and disturbances.

According to latest information, Luxor & the Red Sea Resorts, including Sharm el Sheikh, are calm. However, the situation across Egypt is unpredictable and may change quickly.
There is a nationwide curfew in place from 00:00 to 06:00 local time. You must respect the curfew and listen for announcements about any changes to the curfew requirements. The curfew is not being enforced in the Red Sea Resort area or in Luxor.

for the latest information . . . . .

1. Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) click to link to their website
2. US State Department (USD) click to link to their website

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Original link from ALC Health -

Monday 21 February 2011

UK Immigration Alert

UK Immigration Alert - Statement of Intent published

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has today published its statement of intent. The statement of intent has revealed the following changes to take effect, subject to Parliamentary approval, after 6 April 2011:

Tier 2 (General)

From 6 April 2011 there will be an annual limit of 20,700 certificates issued.

4,200 Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) will be available to sponsors in April but thereafter only 1,500 per month. These CoS will be re-named ‘restricted COS’.

To apply for a restricted CoS, sponsors will have to identify a vacancy and conduct a Resident Labour Market test first

The UKBA will then consider each application against points-based criteria which prioritises applications on the Shortage Occupation List and high-level research posts.

Applications for restricted CoS to be accepted from 16 March 2011 onwards

‘Unrestricted’ CoS will apply to those:

  • With proposed salaries of £150,000 GBP or higher  
  • Migrants already in the UK and extending their leave with the same employer, switching employers, or switching from a different category into Tier 2 (General)  
  • Switching their status from Tier 1 (Post Study Work) and who have worked for the sponsor for 6 months
English language level will be increased from “basic” to “intermediate”

All jobs under Tier 2 (General) must be in an occupation on the UK Border Agency’s Graduate Occupation List

 Tier 2 (ICT): This immigration route will not be affected by the annual limits:

If the migrant is to be paid between £24,000 and £40,000 per year, then they will only be permitted to stay in the UK for a total of 12 months. They must then depart the UK and may not re-apply for Tier 2 (ICT) permission for a further 12 months.

Tier 1 (General):

 Will be closed to persons not already in the UK under Tier 1 (General) or its former routes

Will remain open to those migrants already in the UK under Tier 1 (General) and who seek to extend their stay.
(data received from Robinsons Relocation)

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Thursday 10 February 2011

Are you going to be working abroad in China or India?

Do you want to be connected to whats going on in these countries?

Then click on the below link for articles from The Economist.

Would you like to know more about Chinese or Indian culture or living and working abroad in China and India?

Then contact us at now at expatknowhow:
Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog  for more know-how.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Working Across Cultures - Milton Park Event

Do you work at Milton Park or nearby in Oxfordshire?
Do you travel and work abroad for Business?
Do you work with people from different Cultures?
If so we would like to invite you to a free lunchtime event that will be taking place at:

The Advanced Business Solutions Campus - Abingdon and Witney College - 5G Milton Park

Wednesday 16 February from 12.15-13.15:

Title: Working across Cultures - How to Maximise Performance

The international nature and global reach of many businesses requires most of us to interact with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds as part of our jobs.

This informative seminar will address how to;

• Communicate effectively with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds

• Develop effective cross-cultural business relationships

• Successfully manage a multi-cultural team and get the best results from them

• Prepare staff for long-term overseas assignments

• Organise a successful overseas business trip

To find out more about this event and to sign up to attend please go to the following link:

We hope to see you there.


UK Trade links with China

To find out about UK/China trade links -  please read the article from UKTI below:

Would you like to know more about Chinese culture or living and working abroad in China?

Then contact us at now at expatknowhow:
Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog  for more know-how.