Wednesday 24 November 2010

Chinese Cultural know-how

Over the next few blogs I will be sharing 5 areas of information on Chinese Cultural know-how.
Here is the first -

• It is important to be reserved and courteous when greeting in China.

• If you are applauded as a welcome, return the applause.

• Greetings are formal and the oldest person is always greeted first.

• Handshakes are the most common form of greeting with foreigners (beware not to be overly vigorous when shaking hands as the Chinese may interpret this as aggressive).

• Many Chinese will look towards the ground when greeting someone.

• Address the person by an honorific title and their surname. If they wish to move to a first-name basis, they will advise you which name to use.

• Be ready to laugh at yourself readily – the Chinese have a great sense of humour!

Would you like to know more about Chinese culture or living and working abroad in China?

Then contact us at now at expatknowhow:
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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Chinese Cross-Culture?

I recently found this quote and thought that it summed up some of the complexities of why it is sometimes difficult for 'foreigners' to understand the Chinese....
Chinese historian Professor Yi Zhongtian is quoted as having said:

The Chinese people are frank yet tactful, honest yet sophisticated, suspicious yet gullible, stubborn yet flexible, unscrupulous yet loyal, advocate etiquette yet often appear unmannered, stand for the golden mean yet are extreme, value the quality of being thrifty yet like to parade their wealth, maintain traditions when convenient yet love to chase modern fashion, believe contentment brings happiness yet often daydream about becoming overnight millionaires, believe the word of the fortune teller yet lack affiliation to any religion, like to form groups yet often fight, love to be controversial yet know how to smooth things over, do not like to be meddlesome yet love to gossip, know how to “seize the day” yet always talk about taking life easy...

Would you like to know more about living and working abroad in China?
Then contact us at now at expatknowhow:
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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Working abroad in China

China is currently in the press due to the current visit of the British Prime Minister and the events surrounding his visit. Some interesting cultural difference is being highlighted as part of the visit. We are wondering what cultural training David Cameron has received?
At expatknowhow we have been putting together a China Culture Guide which will soon be available on our website for download.
We believe that this guide will be a valuable resource for anyone that will be visiting or moving to live and work in China/Hong Kong/Macau.
Watch this space for more details...

Want to know more then contact us at expatknowhow:
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