Tuesday 28 September 2010

Expat relocation tips

Are you going to be living and working abroad?
Are you concerned about the possibility of identity fraud...
I heard last week of a lady preparing to leave the UK to go and live and work abroad, who hired the services of ALLSHRED. Allshred are a secure shredding and recycling company based in Oxfordshire http://www.allshred.uk.com/. She was concerned that if someone got hold of her old disposed of documents that they might have the possibility to steal her details and identity.
Have just added this to my expat relocation support tips list for future clients. Great idea.

Happy shredding!

If you need help with planning to live and work abroad as expatriates then contact us:

Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog http://www.expatknowhow.blogspot.com

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Advice Abroad, From Home?

When you are travelling to live and work abroad for business, where can you get the best advice from to make your trip successful?

Here are some comments from expats and business people who have experience of this:

"Most travel Web sites offer enough information to leisure travelers to make their trip a good one. But business travelers often have different needs."

“Hotel reviews in TripAdvisor and similar tourism sites are only slightly helpful, because most reviewers don’t have the obsession with connectivity that I do. Expat sites tell me more.”

” The hotel recommendations from someone who had past expereince, led not only to something more affordable and gave me all the amenities I needed, but put me in the center of things.”

“It’s helpful to speak with people who are from where you are from, and learn from their mistakes.”

Need help to make your trip successful?
Not sure where to start when moving to live and work abroad?
Call us at expatknowhow for help.
Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog http://www.expatknowhow.blogspot.com/

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Advice from an experienced expat

The one thing that makes for a happy expat experience is good old fashioned advance preparation.

As true as this is for the expat, it is even more true for his/her family. As there is no such thing as a happy expat with an unhappy family.

If you are planning to live and work abroad then whether you have six months or six weeks to prepare for your expat assignment, there is a lot you can do in advance to make the transition as smooth as possible. Three humble suggestions to consider:

1. Throw away the travel guide book to your future home - Worse than useless. They usually give a tourist's view of a city/country, with no real sense for what it is like to live there.

2. Confront the facts - good, bad and ugly - and make sure any family members do the same. Some places are tough to live, and all are different from home in some difficult ways. The more you know about the negative aspects of your new home, the more you will avoid disappointment on arrival. You may even be pleasantly surprised.

3. Get professional help - With the internet touching nearly every corner of the world, there has never been an easier time for an expat to keep in touch with friends and family back home. But don't let this fool you into thinking the expat life is easy; an overseas assignment will still present you and your family with numerous challenges. Consulting a professional expat advisor before you leave is a wise move. Many employers will pay for this service, as it is helps ensure a good return on the huge investment they are making in sending you overseas.

Do you need professional help and support?
Then contact us at expatknowhow to find out how we can help you.
Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog http://www.expatknowhow.blogspot.com/

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Working abroad - Unfair dismissal in the UK?

Are you going to be working abroad?
Are you going to be sending an employee to work abroad?
This can raise may legal questions?
One question should be whether these individuals retain the right to claim unfair dismissal in the UK.

Recently (in 2 cases) the courts have referred to the priciples laid down by the House of Lords in the Lawson vs Serco case (2006 IRLR 289 HL), which divide employees into the following categories of cases:

standard - employees who ordinarily work in Great Britain can claim unfair dismissal if they were working in this country at the time of their dismissal.

peripatetic - employees who work in different locations abroad can only claim unfair dismissal in Britain if they are based in this country. The decisive factor in determining the base will be where the employees headquarters are or where the employees travel begins and ends.

expatriate - employees who both work and are based abroad can bring a claim here only in exceptional circumstances. They might be able to bring such claims if they work in an extra-territorial enclave, or were posted abroad for a business carried on in Britain, or have 'equally strong' connections here.
This information is an extract from an article written by Barry Mordsley and James Davis from Salans.

One of the many things you need to know when sending employees to live and work overseas.

Need help with planning and sending employees to live and work abroad as expatriates:
Follow us on twitter @expatknowhow
or sign up to our Blog http://www.expatknowhow.blogspot.com/