Sunday 23 May 2010

Travel advice

I recently had an article posted on the online magazine - Executive Traveller.
This magazine has lots of useful info and tips about travel. Places to stay, deals to be had, tips for travel, etc....
Go and take a look -
For those of you out there about to fly somewhere or return home, i hope that you avoid both the BA strike and the Iceland volcanic ash.......
Happy Travels...

Tuesday 11 May 2010

'Managing' Overseas

Managing Yourself: Making It Overseas

I was recently sent this great Harvard Business Review article:

Is your best performer/high achiever being sent overseas with the right attitude and skills?

Are you confident that you will be able to continue with your high level performance when you take that overseas post or project?

This article eloquently raises this question and shows that sometimes the best performer at 'home' is not the best for the job overseas?

Perhaps some additional global/cross-cultural skills are required?

Do you have any experience or stories to share that confirm this point?

Tuesday 4 May 2010

What is your expat experience?

The HSBC Expat experience report 2009 shows results of a recent survey taken by expats.
Read more at this link:
You can also find an expat economic report and offshore offspring report at the same site.
Are you thinking of becoming an expat?
Are you being moved as an expat to a new location?
Then this article will be valuable for you to read, giving insights into different locations and what other expats are saying.
Which country do you rate as being the best location to live in as an expat?