Thursday 26 November 2009

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

When doing business in a new country, there are many different business practices and protocols to be aware of, here are a few to consider.

• Dress code
• Gestures
• Gift-giving
• Greetings
• Titles/forms of address
• Use of time

One area of business protocol to consider is how to greet and exchange business cards with someone from a different culture.

In Asia for example the way of delivering and receiving a business card is of high importance.

In Japan 'meishi' (the way to exchange business cards) is very important. It is more than a convenience and represents one's personal identity, label, sign, rank and name all in one.

• Business cards should be exchanged at the very first stage of an introduction.
• Present and receive with both hands with the letters facing the recipient.
• Accompany the card hand-over with a slight bow.
• Take time to study the card.
• Shake hands and bow a few times.
• Treat the card with respect and do not write on it.

Are you about to visit a new country to conduct Business?

Do you have Business Etiquette?
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Then visit and contact expatknowhow.